Friday 24 January 2014


Jamaica is a country situated in the Caribbean Sea. It’s capital is Kingston. They have lots of great athletes, for example Usain Bolt, the fastest person in the world. They speak strange English also called Jamaican English.
Jamaica has a tropical climate so a lot of plants can live there, such as bamboo, rosewood, ebony, etc  or animals like bats or tuna. They only have two native mammals, bats and the Jamaican Hutia.
They dance songs of reggae, ska, mento, rocksteady or dub. They had a very good reggae artist called Bob Marley.
Their coin is the Jamaican dollar.
They have a lot of forest reserves (Troja, Kildary, Shuna) and one marine reserve (Montego Bay).
 I think that Jamaica is an amazing country with lots of spectacular things to do and lots of things to visit. I think that Jamaica is very impressive.
Flavia Zas 6º A

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